This is an archive site for ERPem. For more up to date information about research partnership work, see Edinburgh Research Partnership in Engineering (ERPe) and Maxwell Institute for Mathematical Sciences

ERPem website - tips for working with the Content Management System (CMS)

The CEE JRI seminar management system

1. The current list of CEE JRI seminars can be seen on the CEE JRI website using the 'Seminars' option on the lefhand menu. This page shows upcoming seminars from the current date. A link at the bottom of this page take you to a page showing seminars previous to the current date. Clicking on the title of the seminar takes you to a page showing all the details for that seminar.

2. To add a seminar to the CEE JRI seminar management system, first log in using the username and password fields on the lefthand menu - you must have an account that gives you the right permissions to do this - see ERPem staff if you do not have this and need it.

Click on the 'Create content' option that appears in the lefthand menu after logging in, and select the 'CEE JRI Seminar' option on the page that appears. This will show you a page where you can enter the 'Title' of the seminar, the 'From date' and 'To date', the 'Location' of the seminar, and any information about the seminar in the 'Description' editor. The description editor allows you to add content in exactly the same way as described in the Adding pages tip. You should leave the seminar 'View/Edit Permissions' at the default settings if you want only authorised people to add and edit CEE JRI seminars. 

3. To edit an existing seminar, go to the seminar details page using the 'Seminars' link on the CEE JRI website lefthand menu and then click on the seminar title in the list of seminars in the page that appears. If you are logged in with the right permissons, there will be an 'Edit' tab at the top of the seminar details page. Click on this tab and you can edit the content of the seminar in a similar fashion as described in the Editing pages tip. To delete the seminar entirely, use the 'Delete' button at the bottom of the editing page.

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