This is an archive site for ERPem. For more up to date information about research partnership work, see Edinburgh Research Partnership in Engineering (ERPe) and Maxwell Institute for Mathematical Sciences

ERPem management structure

The ERPem now consists of six Joint Research Institutes (JRIs) each of which incorporates the academics, linked researches and research students in the specific topic area from the partner universities.  The activities of each JRI are co-ordinated by a small team lead by the JRI Director as illustrated below.

ERP structure

The key management body is the ERPem Executive Board chaired by the ERPem Director or Deputy Director, and including the six JRI Directors, the Heads of the Academic Schools (three in UoE and HWU and one in Napier), the Director of the ERPem Postgraduate School and one senior Administrator from each university plus the appointed administrators.  The ERPem Executive Board reports directly to the university Principals through the Head of the College of Science and Engineering at the UoE and the Deputy Principal (Research and Knowledge Transfer) at HWU.

The ERPem has created a postgraduate School Board with a Director as well as the postgraduate directors of each of the eight Schools which contribute to the ERPem.

Each JRI also has an external Advisory Group to provide subject-specific advice and guidance.  The Chairs of the six JRI Advisory Groups are also members of the ERPem Advisory Group, along with a Chairman, several additional external members, the Director of the ERPem Postgraduate School and the ERPem Director and Deputy Director. 

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